Our clematis are deciduous and will be sent defoliated between November and January with buds appearing in February (Sample image in product gallery).
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What size are the plants?

Our standard size for Boulevard, Patio and Regal plants is 15cmPot(1.5litre) / 45cm Trellis. The smaller lower priced Tudor Patio group are sent in 10.5cm pots, pruned to about 7-10cm. There are images depicting this on the product pages.


What happens if I do not receive my order?

If you do not receive your package within 12 days of placing order, please contact us and we will investigate.

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The PayPal gateway is set up to accept Credit or Debit Card payments in the normal fashion should you not have a PayPal account.


Can I order by Post or Cheque?

Orders by post/cheque are accepted see Terms and Conditions.


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We regret that this site only works fully with Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers.

How do I prune my clematis?

Raymond Evison Clematis have been specially bred and assessed to be "easy care".  Visit our Growing Guides to find out how to prune your plants.


The flowers on my clematis are paler or near green and not like the photographic image.

The coloured sections of Clematis flowers (known as sepals) normally have a small amount of green or white pigment. This will become more prominent in cold conditions. Early spring flowering clematis are more susceptible to green or pale flowers, which may also be aggravated by low light and/or wind chill factors. Normally the colour will normally strengthen into the growing season.


How do I feed my Clematis?

Clematis grown in soil may be fed by application of a lightly dug-in mulch in spring but the more popular method is an occasional application of a liquid feed (e.g. proprietary tomato or rose feed) during the peak growing spring/early summer months. Care should be taken to ensure that the soil is moist before feeding and that the applications are reduced(or diluted) as the growth slows during summer months. 


Can I keep my clematis indoors?

Yes. Clematis can be grown or kept indoors but require sufficient light to initiate flowering.

However if purchased in flower, (e.g. Boulevard [compact patio]) then plants can normally be displayed for at least 3-4 weeks. Garland cultivars are particularly suitable for indoor display and will normally hold flowers for a 6-8 week period. Key requirements are a good position with some light (e.g. near a window) and regular watering. Plants can be planted outside after flowering. The best planting times are late spring or Autumn.


What is Clematis Wilt?

Clematis wilt is a fungal disease(phoma clematadina) that attacks the base stem of a plant sometimes causing whole lengths of vine to collapse and die. It is, however, often misdiagnosed and may simply be accidental or animal damage to base of plants or other fungal diseases such as botrytis.