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Vicki ™
Vicki ™
Vicki ™
Vicki ™
Vicki ™
Vicki ™
Vicki ™
Vicki ™

Vicki ™


Vicki ™ Evipo114(n) - a 2019 introduction. An exceptional and attractive, free flowering plant, from the Boulevard collection, which is ideal for the smaller garden due to its compact habit.

A superb plant for growing in a shaded area such as a north facing wall or in a container in a shaded outdoor eating area, patio or deck.

We feel the very free flowering nature of this plan coupled with the full, long life flowers will make this a popular favourite in years to come.

Link to Growing Guides and Planting Ideas.


Early summer to mid summer and late summer to early autumn (Fall)


Any site with partial shade


3-4 ft. (90-120cm)


Reduce all stems down to 6" (15cm) late winter/early Spring. Pictorial pruning guide


Zones 4-9 USA, Fully Hardy in UK.


Boulevard® (compact patio)